सोमवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2013

Open letter to asian human right commission, Hong Kong (China)

my formal complaint against Mr Avinash Pandey alias Samar Anarya

This may be considered as my formal complaint against Mr Avinash Pandey alias Samar Anarya  who works for  Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong (China) and is involved in various frivolous activities on social media, notably on the Facebook. I understand that AHRC is an international organization, renowned for its work for human dignity and freedom. However, contrary to prestige and the popular image of AHRC, your staff, Mr Avinash Pandey alias Samar Anarya  has been carrying out, for long, an unseemly and vindictive campaign against me in a manner which is highly unbecoming of the staff of an organization like AHRC. Such conduct not only gives a bad impression of the individual but also tarnishes the reputation built over years by your organization. The foul language used by him, to further his views, is mostly laced with expletives, which speaks volume about him and his conduct in public space. Such an act, which is highly undignified, provides a rather dim view of a reputed organization like AHRC. I surely believe that AHRC does not subscribe to his views and use of foul language, especially in public and social media. I appreciate that an organization like AHRC works in difficult and challenging situations and inappropriate conduct by one of your staff could hamper your work to improve the cause of human rights in different parts of the world. I thought it to bring to your attention the activities of your staff so that you may take suitable steps to protect the reputation of your organization. Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,
Ashish Kr. Anshu
New Delhi (India)

3 टिप्‍पणियां:

Ravikant yadav ने कहा…

hello ... good,read n join me also if u may there ...

Ravikant yadav ने कहा…

hello ... good,read n join me also if u may there ...

Ravikant yadav ने कहा…

hello ... good,read n join me also if u may there ...

आशीष कुमार 'अंशु'

आशीष कुमार 'अंशु'
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